The season of spring is all about revitalization. Open the windows and let the beautiful sunshine enter your house, as it’s time to breathe in fresh air and sunlight of spring. Though no one would desire to do heavy cleaning when the sun shines at its best, however cleaning will release the guilt and welcome a cheerful summer breeze. Above is the check list you should follow in your spring cleaning:

Safety checking of appliances:

In the beginning of spring you should check on the alarms for fire and replacement of batteries and furnace sieves. The maintenance and sieves of all rooms should be checked prior to installation.

Clearing out chimney:

Assure that you buy a specialized sweeping of chimney in this season of spring.

  • Drawers and Cabinets:

This spring you should clear out the drawers and closets that require cleaning, repairing and storing for this summer. Take out your summer clothes and also take out your favorite equipments for this summer including tennis croquet set, rackets, golf clubs and badmintons.

  • The floors and their covers:

This summer you should make your floors shine at their best, get a nice shampoo or professional cleaners for cleaning the rugs as well as carpets. Do vacuuming of your cushions, sofas and do their polishing as well. Also if you own covers for slips, make sure they are washed and dried out.

  • Clear out kitchen:

It is time to clear the cupboards and also clean plus replace the inside layer of shelves. Clear the refrigerator, make a mixture of water and baking soda and wipe it completely for a fresh smelling fridge. It is also important to do vacuuming of those coils at back to clear the dust and make the appliances produce optimal results.

  • Small touch ups of paint:

As you can now open the windows for fresh air, it is the most perfect time to update your room with a brand new coat of paint.

  • Windows of your house:

Prepare the windows of your house for the summer season by installation of screens. Also clean the glass of those beautiful windows so that the view can be enhanced by permitting the sunlight to brighten your room. Make sure you include the sills.
In the end a beautiful and clean house is a reward in itself. This summer enjoy and entertain yourself with friends and family in a welcoming house.